Welcome to Expert TA!
We are excited about the coming semester and we hope that you are as well. Use the area below to complete the registration process and be added to the class listed below. If you have any questions about these steps you can click here for detailed instructions on the registration process. You can also contact us if you are having trouble.

Registration Information
Code: 3285ED-39E   Role: Student
Class Physics 2112 (Fall 2024) : Description: Physics for Scientists and Engineers II: Electricity, Magnetism & Optics

Step 2: Enter a valid email address.
You must enter the address exactly the same in both fields for confirmation.
Note: Most college and universities require you to use your college or university email address (i.e. not your Yahoo or Gmail account). Please use your university e-mail address unless your instructor has directed you otherwise.
Email Address:
Confirm Email:


Designed by Educators, for Students
Expert TA started as, Dr. Jeremy Morton's PhD research , with a goal of simply building an educational tool that really did help students learn better. Expert TA is a small company with a big mission, provide learning tools that are both more affordable and more effective than publishser alternatives.

The Expert TA system is designed to reinforce the problem solving process, giving you the practice you need learn the material. You will work problems more like the way you will need to work them to do well on exams, and as you are working you will have access to hints and feedback specific to mistakes that you might be making. Case studies, like this one done at Auburn, show that solving problems this way increase students test scores.

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